Tuesday, March 9, 2010

serving at church

something struck me yesterday as i was in the bloom chatroom. and it has stuck with me til now. i was talking about how i was sick and how i didn't get to serve at church on sunday. yes i said get to.. that stayed with me cause i was so sad about it but i shouldn't get those kids sick. but it struck me. most people would be like  "yes i don't have to check that thing off my list i don't have to go there" not me though i was sad cause i didn't get to. it was kinda baffling but thats totally how i look at it. if i am not there for a sunday im  a little big sad cause i didn't get to serve and how many poeple really think/feel like that? probably not a lot. it just struck me.

i really love to be there with those kids it is such a joy and its not cause i'm checking something off my list cause honestly that would be dumb and i'd hate mysel if i looked at it like that. i genuinely love to be there. amazing to have such a heart to serve like that isn't it? i'm not worthy of it but i am grateful for it nonetheless.


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