Sunday, June 12, 2011

Book Reviews - The Fitting Room by Kelly Minter and Revise us Again by Frank voila!

The Fitting Room by Kelly Minter is about putting on the character of Christ.

Do you ever go to a fitting room and try something on only for it to not fit? Well that’s what many people think of when it comes to Christ. They think that they don't fit into it. That they can't be chosen, cannot forgive or have peace, kindness, humility, compassion, patience or joy.

But the truth is that you can! Minter shares some tips and stories on the subject. It may be difficult but at the same time it's very simple. No relationship is ultimately easy. So, of course it isn't going to be any easier in your relationship with Christ. Yes we stumble, but as you read Minter's words you'll start to see some things in a much different light. She insightfully shares situations from her own life in a well-balanced mix of humor and seriousness.

I really enjoyed this book and though I couldn't relate to all the stories in Minter's life, the message she sends made a lot of sense in the context of her experiences. This is one of those books that you'll want to keep on the shelf and read multiple times throughout your life. Oftentimes when browsing books I let the cover catch my eye, and this one did. And it sure did live up to expectations – very intriguing and just a great read.

This is also the newest selection for the Bloom Book Club which is being hosted on the website now!

Revise Us by Frank Viola is a book about rethinking Christianity from the bottom up. The title makes you think of the popular phrase “revive us” but with a spin: it's a prayer to change us and the way that we approach God, the world and our faith.

This is not only a book. It's a journey, and an invitation to have your mind turned upside-down and inside-out as you explore (and get some great refreshers on) what the heart of faith in God is really all about. This is not your normal, run-of-the-mill call to revolution or moral stand.Viola's book helps you see through new eyes.

Whether it's the call to unity, or God's view of the body of Christ, or some amusing points about how ridiculous we as Christians can sometimes be, there's tons of insight to be found and a practical starting point for how to approach things differently. I especially liked some of the parts about how extreme the Charismatic side of things can become and how people who claim to be speaking for God can actually just be speaking for themselves.

There's something here for everyone, whether you sometimes wonder where God is in the middle of your pain and separation, or how to get a better understanding of how God talks through his people, or a punch in the gut about how easy it is to be a hypocrite. At the end Viola reminds us of just how big our God is and how Christ isn't found in just one church but through all believers. And that when we're born again it's our true nature to be like Him since we have Him inside of us.

I recommend this for every Christian who is struggling with their faith or needs some devotional or instructional material, or basically everyone. You're bound to find something to add to your faith within the covers of this book.

Find it at your local bookstore.


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