Saturday, February 13, 2010

birthday week!

so honestly i was kinda scared about birthday week dreaded it really. i don't remember what happened leading up to it. i had no plans i generally try to do that cause my birthdays normally suck and usually end up with me being blown off so i jsut try not to do anything.

before my birthday i had gone to a freinds birthday party which was SO fun we went to a restaurant and went bowling good times indeed. but anyway birthday week started on sunday we went out to dinner as a family to an italian restaurant that is local. so yummy they didn't have any desserts there or anything so they made us a birthday tootsie roll pop cake thing. it was so funny. i loved it. but heres the thing my whole family is in february it is my bro on the 7th me on the 9th, dad is on the 14th and mom is on the 28th. so we go out one time. bff came with us cause hello he goes with us everywhere!

nothing really happened on monday.oh wait monday was a sucko day lilly (my dog) had a seizure and then everything else really just sucked. but tuesday was birthday day! i hadn't really thought about anything honestly i planned to just stay homea nd watch lost maybe make a DQ run and get a free blizzard. little did i know what was in the works. justin (bff) had this little scheme. that involved first that he was getting a haircut which i've been annoyed with his hair cause its been too long and emo and does this flippy up thing. it just bugged me. but anyways then he got my friends to agree to meet up at DQ one to come get me and one brought me a cake! it was so cool and so we went to DQ and then hung out ate and stuff. then we went to goodwill (i know right we're such party animals!) and we browsed around for awhile. it was pretty fun. eventually he got me some books mostly cause he was like aren't you getting anything and i was all "are you just itching to buy me something?" and he said yes haha soo i found some books i probably could have found more if i looked but i was tired and didn't feel like looking. still it was nice and amazing and i had fun.

wednesday we went out to red robin for another birthday dinner that was fun saw some people i knew on the way out. and then we went to michaels and looked around for a bit.

yesterday i decided to go to a different CG i haven't gone to mine in a month so i went with kelly and ashley to their CG itw as pretty fun we stayed talking to our other friend beth til almost 11:30 crazy crazy but so fun.

today was a little depressing but what can ya do. hopefully tomorrow will be better.


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