Monday, March 4, 2013

Ugh anxiety.

Do any of you stuffer from it? I am always so paranoid that my car will get stolen or something else will happen like our house getting broken into. And it honestly affects my being able to sleep its kinda bad. Sometimes I’ve been up for hours and hours at night. I just have a lot of fears/anxiety for whatever reason. I'm just not sure what to do about it.

But right now I feel like maybe if the boy and I actually follow through with what we say we will do like reading the bible together or other things that maybe that would help with my craziness? I'm not sure but I’m willing to give it a shot and I hope it does help.

We also need to follow through with working out. I did 100 squats the other day and man my legs were jello and hurt for 3 days. But the boy and I lets be honest we are fat and we need to get the fat away. But the hardest part is getting going and keeping going. But when none of your clothes fit. And you have other issues then its time to do something.

On the upside I noticed today new hair growth which is good cause I’m glad some is coming back! Its just rough being in that position its such a self conscious kind of thing. I hate how thin my hair is and mostly its because of my iron I believe. Its so low still so I hope that all the new supplements I’m taking will help better also to aid in losing weight too.

I'm making good progress in my granny square blanket. Thats awesome. I am also planning another blanket soon. But I’m having issues with deciding how to do things and what yarn to use. So that’s slightly annoying. But its alright. This is such a short entry but I don't have much to say.


  1. I am with you...major anxiety here! Though its getting better :)

  2. I don't but pretty much every woman in my life does! And holy a hundred squats?! I could never do even 20 without dying. Haha.


  3. Hi there! I'm a new GFC follower from the GYB blog hop. I am really looking forward to checking out your book reviews and such! Hope you're having a great week.

    Mary Catherine of Fun-A-Day!

  4. I'm visiting from the Weekend Blog Party, I'm glad you're making progress on your granny squares. :)

  5. Starting is always the hardest. Thats awesome about the squats! Keep on rockin on!

  6. Anxiety? Whenever you start to have those feelings, those thoughts, stop them... right there in that moment... and give them to God. LET GO AND LET GOD. Those things that you are letting make you so anxious are things that, in reality, you have NO control over anyway. So let go... Swinging through with the blog hop. Check out my site @ when you have the time.

  7. Girlllllll you are speaking my language!! I get anxiety often because I procrastinate too much. I make plans to do stuff and life gets in the way or excuses or I do the put it off dance. Hence stress. Just take it one day at a time. Working out helps stress a lot... Haven't worked out in over a wonder I'm all stressed!!

    Loved your honest words. You're not alone!

    Thank you for the comment!! I'm just getting to replying and following back!! Have a lovely week! Following you via GFC!

    Jean {What Jean Likes}
